Manage your ILEastic web services with a modern web interface. No Java! No PASE! No other servers! Just IBM i!
Centrally configure your web services from your web interface. Configure multiple web service instances with different or similar configuration parameter.
Communicate with popular API Gateways like Kong so you can easily provide single or multiple instances of important web services to your internal or external network.
The whole ILEDash application is built with open source tools which run natively on IBM i. No other tools or servers needed.
Intro to ILEDash
This video shows how ILEDash can be used to manage your ILEastic web services on IBM i in a very simple way.
Bleeding edge
A little rough around the edges but it is clear where we are headed.
Early adopters
Feature implementation phase to get ready for the first release.
Production ready
Simple and productive as it should be. Just use it!
We are starting the open alpha phase with the first release of ILEDash.
4th April, 2021
This series of blog posts will show you how to write web services with ILEastic. It will cover everything from a simple hello world to a real application. It will show you also how to manage your web services in a simple way.
coming soon